Gloger Handkraft


Harmonic analysis

Waterfall plot at (466,16 Hz)

First I want to say this is only an interpretation to understand this phenomenon and we are busy to getting an idea how the mechanism is functioning. To control the behaviour of the instrument.

Short Description:
In both cases we used the same curve of a YANAGISAWA soprano 901, first is the original, the second the custom made. The amplitude of the org. fundamental is lower. But the closest harmonics to the fundamental of the original have a higher amplitude. So the fundamental has nearly the same amplitude of the higher harmonics. There is no distinct fundamental, (maybe no core). Mostly the fifth harmonic of lower tones has a higher amplitude, not the fundamental.

The harmonics of the custom made are lower than of the org. but the fundamental is more distinct and all higher harmonics have a relatively higher amplitude in opposite of the original. The stop is more balanced. (You can notice that if you play)

The effect you get is the tone has a shorter attack time, mostly the intonation is more stable. Also higher harmonics. The tone is staying in the room ! And you get a distinct core sound.
Soprano YANAGISAWA 901 original neck
Soprano YANAGISAWA 901 custom made neck solid silver
Soprano YANAGISAWA 901 custom made neck solid silver
Soprano YANAGISAWA 901 custom made neck solid silver 3D (front bar: frequency; side bar: course of time)
Special thanks to Jan-Mark Batke for programming the analyser (plotter)